Deploying a Web App to a Server with Ansible, Part II: Frontend

I have now deployed the API of my math-related web app as described here. An API doesn't do much on its own, so now it was time to deploy the frontend.

I will go through the Ansible playbook file line by line, as in the previous article. I named the file reactFront.yaml. The header of the file is as follows:

- hosts: all
  name: Math React Frontend


First, I create some directories in case they do not already exist (a directory for source code and another for logging):

  - name: Create ts-math directory
      path: /home/maija/ts-math
      state: directory
      mode: '0755'

  - name: Create log directory
      path: /home/maija/log
      state: directory
      mode: '0755'

I then checkout the whole repository from Git, install the NPM packages of the frontend project, and build the project. The install and build logs are saved to the /home/maija/log directory:

  - name: Checkout code from git repo
      repo: ''
      dest: /home/maija/ts-math
      force: yes

  - name: Install packages
      chdir: /home/maija/ts-math/react-front
      cmd: npm install > /home/maija/log/frontend-install-log.txt

  - name: Build project
      chdir: /home/maija/ts-math/react-front
      cmd: npm run build > /home/maija/log/frontend-build-log.txt

I then create a directory for the frontend in the web server document root folder if it does not already exist. Finally, I copy the built files to the directory. Note the trailing slash in the src directive value - that indicates that the folder contents are copied, not the folder itself:

  - name: Create web server directory
      path: /var/www/html/math
      state: directory
      mode: '0755'

  - name: Copy built files
      src: /home/maija/ts-math/react-front/build/
      dest: /var/www/html/math
      remote_src: yes

In the end, the frontend was successfully deployed. The app is live here. Below is a screenshot:
